Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform at IGF 2023

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Diplo  and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) will be actively engaged in the 2023 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which will take place between 8 and 12 October 2023, in Kyoto, Japan, and online.

Just-in-time reporting

As in previous years, the GIP Digital Watch observatory will provide just-in-time reporting from the IGF. Bookmark the Digital Watch space or download the Dig.Watch News+ app to stay up-to-date with our IGF session reports and newsletters. Make sure to also follow the GIP’s Twitter account.

Diplo/GIP at IGF sessions

Day 0 Event #194: Bottom-up AI and the right to be humanly imperfect (organised by Diplo)

Sunday, 8 October | 11:15 – 12:45 local time (02:15 – 03:45 UTC) | Workshop Room 11

The session will provoke participants to explore the interplay between AI, society, and humanity from the following angle: 1. Why is bottom-up AI critical for human freedom and prosperity? 2. In this era of fast technological progress, can we preserve the right to be humanly imperfect? Whenever we interact with AI platforms, we share glimpses of our thoughts and emotions. A new AI economy is emerging around collecting, codifying, and monetising our patterns of thinking and feeling. This also leads to new business models and monopolies. But we, humans, have ‘owned’ our thinking patterns since time immemorial; so we should also own those generated through AI. One way to ensure this is through the development of bottom-up AI, which is both technically possible and ethically desirable. Otherwise, we risk a sort of ‘knowledge slavery’ where citizens’ access to knowledge (including their own) is entirely controlled by corporate and/or government AI monopolies. Bottom-up AI is a way to return AI and technology to citizens and communities and reduce major societal risks. And there’s more to it: The fast development of AI has made us think that we need to compete with machines. But optimisation and perfection are goals better suited for machines, while our imperfections are part of what makes us human. As we cannot win against sci-tech optimisation, we should reclaim our right to be humanly imperfect. And ensure that human beings remain the point of reference for the development and use of AI. Event link on the IGF website.

Participating: Jovan Kurbalija, Sorina Teleanu

Side session: IGF’s knowledge unlocked: AI-driven insights for our digital future (organised by IGF Secretariat, with Diplo support)

Tuesday, 10 October | 12:30 – 13:15 local time ( 03:30 – 04:15 UTC) | Room K

Since its launch in 2006, the IGF has been at the forefront of multistakeholder discussions on the most pressing issues surrounding the internet and digital technologies. Over the years, the forum has accumulated a wealth of knowledge covering critical topics such as internet infrastructure, cybersecurity, and data governance. The session will explore key themes that are essential for unlocking the vast potential of this IGF knowledge. First, we will dive into the pivotal role of epistemic communities – groups of experts and stakeholders with specialised knowledge – in shaping and enriching the IGF’s knowledge base. We will look at how these communities foster collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity to unpack the complex challenges of our digital world. Second, as the knowledge built around the IGF continues to expand, we will discuss the importance of structuring and organising this wealth of information. And, third, we will explore the challenges and opportunities of using AI to manage the vast IGF knowledge ecology and transform it into an accessible and easy to use public good. Event link on the IGF website.

Participating: Jovan Kurbalija, Sorina Teleanu

Diplo/GIP booth in the IGF village

If you are attending the IGF in Kyoto, make sure to drop by our DiploFoundation and GIP booth. 

If you’re joining the meeting online, check out our space in the virtual village.

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