Events for October 26, 2021 - June 8, 2021

Briefing – Internet governance in January 2019

You receive hundreds of pieces of information on digital politics. We receive them, too. We decode, contextualise, and analyse them. Then we summarise them for you. Every last Tuesday of the month, the Internet governance briefings provide a 'zoomed-out' update of the major global IG and digital policy developments. The Internet governance in January 2019 [...]

Embedding science and technology in international relations education and diplomatic training

The AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy and Diplo are co-organising the session 'Embedding science and technology in international relations education and diplomatic training' on Saturday February in Washington DC. With the insights, practice, and products of science and technology becoming increasingly important to and in international relations and diplomacy, greater capacity to understand science diplomacy [...]