Events for September 4, 2024 - April 26, 2024

#MeetingTomorrow: Digital Geneva 2040


Geneva has been at the center stage of the global debate on internet governance ever since the invention of the World Wide Web at CERN in 1989. Today, the city hosts a wide range of international organizations, academic institutions, and non-profit initiatives pushing the needle on critical digital issues, as shown by a number of [...]

IGF 2020 Debrief


Annual IGF Debrief for 2020 Hosted by the Internet Governance Forum USA (IGF–USA) and the Greater Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC–DC), the annual event provides an overview of takeaways from the IGF 2020, including the work of the National and Regional IGF initiatives (NRIs), as well as each of this year’s themes. The event will be [...]

Online Meetings and Conferences: How to Run Effective and Secure Events


It is amazing how an online course could encompass all these teaching methods: text to read, lively discussions, critique, team work, staff mentorship, and hands-on practice. We could learn in a cozy, enjoyable atmosphere, yet powerful and demanding. As with all Diplo courses I would say e-learning with Diplo is immersive, innovative. It is [...]

[Briefing #71] Internet governance in January 2021


Which keywords dominated the year 2020 from an internet governance perspective? And what can we expect in 2021? Join us for our next monthly briefing on Tuesday, 26th January, at 8am EST, for a round-up of the major global IG and digital policy developments. Registrations are open Register You receive hundreds of pieces of [...]

[Diplomacy & technology: A historical journey] #1 An introduction


A masterclass with Jovan Kurbalija The longer you can look back, the farther you can look forward. Winston Churchill The series Diplomacy and technology: A historical journey is a set of open monthly Zoom discussions on the evolution of diplomacy and technology, led by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, an expert, with an academic background in international law, diplomacy, and [...]

[WebDebate #45] Visual storytelling for diplomatic practice


Diplomacy is often thought of as a practice centering on language. Yet, the visual image of diplomatic practice is increasingly important in a world in which images proliferate and videoconferencing has replaced face-to-face meetings. Diplomats need to be aware of the power of images, and need to have a sense of best practices and [...]

6th Annual Geneva Engage


The annual Geneva Engage Awards recognise International Geneva actors in their social media outreach and online engagement. Geneva Engage examines links between International Geneva and communities from around the world that are affected by the policies discussed and negotiated in Geneva in areas such as development, human rights, digital and similar issues. The three categories [...]

Online Diploma Course in Humanitarian Diplomacy


It was great to work together with the course lecturers and the participants in the course, as they all had unique contributions to make, and I learned from all of them. The course material is rich, and can benefit people with varied levels of professional experience and backgrounds. I am already putting what I [...]

Capacity Development online course


This online course is a good combination of different methods including reading the simple but good-quality materials with further references, the chat room session to reflect and share practical examples, and explanation of topics by experienced facilitators and moderators. I really learned a lot from the course starting from assessment of the capacity needs [...]

February online courses


DiploFoundation's course on AI mapped the different challenges AI entails in fundamental rights, the socio-economic and geopolitical fields. The structured discussions among the participants helped consider inclusive governance and policy solutions. This online course was a very interesting and useful experience.Isabelle Dochy, Government Affairs and Public Policy Professional, Brussels, Belgium (July 2019) Start the new year with [...]