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Policy Meets Tech: Quantum computing

Event description The fifth event in the ‘Policy Meets Tech’ series will be dedicated to quantum computing. Today’s computing systems, although having significantly improved decade after decade, can only solve problems up to a certain size and complexity. More complex issues require advanced computational power, and quantum computing promises to deliver such power. But [...]

Tech Attaches Briefing: Unpacking the Global Digital Compact Zero Draft

Event descriptionOn 9 April, Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) will welcome Geneva diplomats to a briefing and discussion on the recently released Zero Draft of the Global Digital Compact (GDC).The event is part of a series of regular briefings the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) is delivering for staff at permanent missions in Geneva [...]

Hurdles to negotiating a first-ever UN cybercrime convention – DataFocus 2024

Event description The DataFocus conference brings together law enforcement investigators, prosecutors, judges, court expert witnesses, and other experts, and lets them talk about their experiences with digital evidence and digital forensic investigations. Bojana Kovač (Researcher, DiploFoundation) will take part with her keynote lecture Hurdles to negotiating a first-ever UN cybercrime convention. DataFocus 2024 (International [...]