Events for October 7, 2022 - April 26, 2022

Workshop: The Power of the Unsaid – Diplomatic Communication in the AI Era

Diplo Centar Belgrade Braničevska 12a, Belgrade, Serbia

Event description So far in our history we have only been able to communicate with other humans using language but with the technological advancements and the rise of ChatGPT we can now converse with an AI chatbot. More surprisingly still, that bot may even speak and write more fluently than we do, outperforming us in speed, [...]


Science Diplomacy Week

Event description From 8-12 May 2023, the Geneva Coalition on Anticipatory Science and Diplomacy organises the second edition of the Science Diplomacy Week in International Geneva to promote anticipatory Science and Diplomacy as an effective tool for renewed multilateralism. Science Diplomacy Week features an Immersion Program and an Open Forum for exchange, capacity development and [...]

Tech Diplomacy: New Impulses for the Geneva Ecosystem? (Science Diplomacy Week)

Fondation Campus Biotech Chemin des Mines 9, Geneva, Switzerland

Event description On May 12, as part of the Open Forum of the Science Diplomacy Week in Geneva, Diplo is organising the session Tech Diplomacy: New Impulses for the Geneva Ecosystem? Friday, May 12, 8am - 9.30am EDT (14:00–15:30 CEST), Campus Biotech, Geneva During the session, participants will share key findings and lessons from [...]

Conference on Building Trust in Digital Identities

InterContinental Hotel Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

Event description More and more governments around the world are implementing or exploring the implementation of digital identity (e-ID) solutions, while regional organizations such as the European Union and African Union actively work toward fostering interoperability and facilitating the mutual recognition of e-ID solutions. Digital identities hold the promise to enable economic inclusion and [...]

Why and How Should Countries Engage in Tech Diplomacy? (WebDebate #60)


Event description The practice of tech diplomacy has been on the rise since the appointment of the first tech ambassador in 2017. Tech diplomacy includes new forms of diplomatic representation and new topics on the diplomatic agenda. It also reflects a changing geopolitical environment. Tech diplomacy has brought about new venues for engagement and [...]

Tech Diplomacy Event – How Governments Engage with the Tech Sector

Washington DC Washington, DC, United States

Event description The practice of digital and tech diplomacy is on the rise. Tech diplomacy requires countries and tech companies to adopt new approaches to current digital policy issues. As a new form of diplomatic representation and an emerging issue on the diplomatic agenda, new venues and actors need to be engaged. To this [...]

Women in Diplomacy – Equal representation: Are we there yet?


Event description Monday, 26 June, 8am EDT (14:00 CEST) Online The second-ever Women in Diplomacy Day is coming up on 24 June and we’re having an online event the following Monday, 26 June to use this opportunity to ask some important questions and exchange experiences and ideas. Women (and men) active in various areas [...]

Empowering African Digital Diplomacy


Event description Today’s diplomacy is greatly impacted by digital technology, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital technologies multiply and amplify the number of voices and accelerate the pace of dissemination of information in international policymaking and diplomacy. In addition, these technologies enable faster and more cost-effective delivery of traditional diplomatic services. It is, therefore, [...]

Update for the least and other developing countries about international cybersecurity processes


Event description The webinar, co-organised by ITU, Diplo, and UNIDIR, aims to enhance the participant’s knowledge on international cyber diplomatic processes, with focus on the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on securing ICTs. The webinar is especially tailored for technical professionals in cybersecurity, policy makers, and diplomats from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and other [...]