Events for November 8, 2024 - September 10, 2024

Monthly Internet Governance Briefing – November 2021


Join us for this month’s Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing on Tuesday, 30th November, at 8.00 EST. Catch up on the major internet governance and digital policy updates from all around the globe and join our experts as they analyse the existing and emerging policy trends. Catch up on the major internet governance and digital policy [...]

[Briefing for diplomats] An inclusive internet: Lowering the barriers for access


Online briefing for diplomats on inclusive internet:Thursday, 2nd December 2021, 9–10.30 EST / 15–16.30 CETClosing the digital divide is one of the main priorities for governments worldwide. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development placed emphasis on closing the divide as a precondition to attaining the SDGs. The UN Secretary-General proposed further actions to accelerate access and [...]

IGF 2021: Cyber Stability Games: Learning the Complexities of Technical Attribution (Day 0, Event #41)

‘Cyber Stability Games’ is a capacity-building exercise organised by Diplo and Kaspersky to help professionals without a technical background to learn about the complexities of technical attribution. The Cyber Stability Games, which are based on Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS), places players in a simulated environment where participants face a series of unexpected cyberthreats while trying to maintain [...]

The recent climate negotiations: A perspective from the Global South [WebDebate #52]


Date: Tuesday, 7th December, 07:00 EST (08:00 EDT | 14:00 CET | 18:30 IST) Climate change is one of the most pressing issues that humanity is facing today. Given current carbon-emission levels and the projected global warming and its consequences over the next decades, it is clear that business as usual is no longer an option. [...]

Digital standards, China, and geopolitics: What is at stake?


Event date: Tuesday, 14th December, 07:00–08:00 EST Our world is made up of standards, sets of rules that tell us how to do something. They exist in every field, including healthcare, aerospace, construction, measurement, and technology and the Internet, where they are called digital standards. China has recently shown increased participation in standard developing organisations (SDOs), [...]

Technology for Development


The Delegation of the European Union to the UN in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the UN in Geneva (currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU), and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) invite you to a series of dialogues [...]

Learning from the past, looking to the future [A historical journey #11]


We’ve come to the end of our adventure! During our History of Diplomacy and Technology journey, we’ve learnt that the past, present, and future are intertwined. As a matter of fact, in physics and philosophy – time does not exist. Before you go on your Christmas holiday, we invite you to join us for our final episode. [...]

Digital Diplomacy in 2022: Capacity Development for Namibian Diplomacy


AI, Data, and Social Media in Geopolitics, Foreign Policy, and Negotiations Capacity Development for Namibia’s Diplomacy 7 – 17 January 2022 The rising interest in digital diplomacy reflects the importance of digitisation for the future of nations around the world. Countries seek to shape their destiny as technology affects every aspect of our lives, [...]

[Briefing #81] What’s in store for digital policy in 2022?


Join us for the next IG Briefing, on Tuesday, 22nd February, at 13.00 UTC (14.00 CET). Register Read the article: 10 Digital Diplomacy and Governance Trends for 2022 Event description As is now tradition, our first briefing of the year will focus on predictions for the year ahead of us. What lies in store for [...]

New regular cyber-dialogue at the UN: Mapping our expectations with reality


Kaspersky is back with season two of their series Community Talks on Cyber Diplomacy. Season two continues to focus on helping the private sector and technical community to learn more about the UN cyber dialogue (the UN Open-ended Working Group (OEWG)), and how they could support UN member states in maintaining international security and peace. [...]