Events for September 4, 2024 - April 26, 2024

July 2021 online courses


Online courses starting July 2021 DiploFoundation offers four interactive postgraduate-level online courses, starting the week of 26 July 2021: 21st Century Diplomacy Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities Internet Technology and Policy: Challenges and Solutions Multilateral Diplomacy For more information on each course please click the course title above. Apply by 24 May 2021 for University of Malta accredited courses and [...]

Data economy: human-centric approach at the forefront


The European Delegation to the United Nations in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the UN Office and other international organisations in Geneva in capacity as Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the Geneva Internet Platform invite you to a series [...]

Digital (and) Diplomacy: What Are We Actually Talking About?


Digital (and) Diplomacy:What Are We Actually Talking About?Tuesday, 7th September08:00–10:00 EDT (14:00–16:00 CEST)When we talk about digital (and) diplomacy, what are we actually talking about?Diplomats, academics, and journalists worldwide have been asking this question for over two decades. For some, it’s about negotiating cybersecurity agreements, for others, it’s digital geopolitics, the use of artificial intelligence (AI), or the flow of data. [...]

Digitalisation powering environmental protection


The European Union Delegation to the United Nations in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the UN Office and other international organisations in Geneva in the capacity as Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the Geneva Internet Platform, in partnership with [...]

[Briefing #79] Internet governance in October 2021


Join us for this month’s Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing on Tuesday, 26th October, at 12.00 UTC (14.00 CEST). Catch up on the major internet governance and digital policy updates from all around the globe and join our experts as they analyse the existing and emerging policy trends. Registrations are open Register Catch [...]

Radio and TV broadcasting: Diplomacy going live [A historical journey #9]


Thursday, 28th October | 12:00 UTC (08:00 EDT | 14:00 CEST | 20:00 CST). Registrations open! In October episode of History of Diplomacy and Technology, we will analyse the beginning of radio and TV broadcasting and how they influenced diplomacy. Registrations are open Register The basis for radio broadcasting was created by technological breakthroughs in wireless [...]

Harnessing AI’s power for health


Registrations are open Register New technologies have had a revolutionary impact on healthcare since the early 1990s. At first complex, costly and limited process developed into an advanced, assimilated and mainstream support of the society with a remarkable value for our health. From monitoring the impact of policies on population health to technologies [...]

[Webinar] Insights on the 9th meeting of the parties to the convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes


The Geneva Water Hub, through its Platform for International Water Law, in partnership with DiploFoundation and the Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Uses of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes are pleased to invite you to the Webinar on “Insights on the ninth Meeting of the Parties of the Convention on the Protection [...]

EAVI Conversations 2021


The EAVI Conversations 2021 series aims to cover a wide array of contemporary themes related to media literacy, disinformation, democracy, and citizenship both with experts and policymakers, but also Youtubers and activists. At the first event in the series, EAVI Founder and Secretary General Paolo Celot will be talking to Mr Lee Hibbard (Senior Fellow, Diplo; [...]

Capacity building on e-commerce: From lessons to solutions


Almost every policy discussion on e-commerce makes a reference to the need for capacity building. With varying degrees of strength, trade agreements often include provisions on this topic. Capacity building is also part of negotiations taking place in the Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on e-commerce among a subset of members at the World Trade Organization (WTO).Although there [...]