Events for April 19, 2024 - May 31, 2024

[Briefing] Internet governance in February 2020


What were the main Internet governance updates in February? How will recent updates influence the developments in upcoming months? Join us for our next monthly briefing on Tuesday, 25th February, at 7 am EST, for a round-up of the major global IG and digital policy developments. Registrations are open Register You [...]

Could COVID-19 disrupt the Internet?


The pressure on the Internet infrastructure is increasing, with the shift of our professional and daily reality from the physical to the online space. On Tuesday, 24 March at at 9 am EDT we will discuss the practical, technical, business, and political aspects of Internet traffic, and possible bottlenecks. Registrations are open Register [...]

[Briefing] Internet governance in March 2020


What were the main Internet governance updates in March? How will recent updates influence the developments in upcoming months? Join us for our next monthly briefing on Tuesday, 31st March, at 8 am EDT, for a round-up of the major global IG and digital policy developments. Registrations are open Register You receive hundreds of [...]

How to ensure the functional continuity of global diplomacy in time of crisis


In times of crisis, global cooperation is essential. Yet, COVID-19 has grounded global diplomacy with the cancellation of meetings and negotiations. In our next live discussion on COVID-19, on Thursday, 2nd April 2020 at 8 am EDT, we will discuss ways of ensuring the functional continuity of global diplomacy. Join us online. Registrations are open Register [...]

[WebDebate] Multilateral diplomacy in times of COVID-19


For many around the world, the briefings of the World Health Organization (WHO) provided crucial information on the emerging crisis. A key moment came when the WHO declared a global pandemic. On March 24th, the UN Secretary-General called for a ‘global ceasefire in all corners of the world’ and argued that ‘the fury of [...]

(Cyber)Security and the shift to online


The rapid shift to online work makes us more dependent on the critical Internet infrastructure and digital services. While this infrastructure is already under a lot of pressure as a result of the recent surge in the use of online tools, DDoS attacks against health or e-learning platforms aggravate this strain. Our demand for [...]

[Briefing] Internet governance in April 2020


What were the main Internet governance updates in April? How will recent updates influence the developments in upcoming months? Join us for our next monthly briefing on Tuesday, 28th April, at 7 am EDT, for a round-up of the major global IG and digital policy developments. Registrations are open Register You receive [...]

May online courses 2020


As a diplomat of a small state, operating in a dynamic and rapidly changing international environment, I must sharpen my skills and be equipped with the right tools in order to be successful. I particularly enjoyed the rich, constructive exchange of views/ideas among participants. The opportunity to undertake a case study on one small [...]

#SciDipTalks | Technology at the service of global health crises: Threats and opportunities


SciTech DiploHub has partnered with other organisations to put forward 5 online sessions with leading world experts (#SciDipTalks) that will explore the role of international cooperation in the current crisis; the European response to COVID-19; the impact of cities, and particularly Barcelona, in global mitigation efforts; the responses to pandemics in Iberoamerica; and, the threats and opportunities [...]

The Future of Meetings – online conference


The Coronavirus crisis is changing how we meet and interact, ushering in new ways of organising conferences and other events. Hybrid meetings, which combine virtual and face-to-face interaction, will become the norm. The Future of Meetings conference will address the emerging practices in organising and running meetings. Can we fit online and onsite events into [...]