
[WebDebate] The UN at 75: Evolution or revolution?


This year is the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, and we are marking the occasion with a Webdebate on the past and the future of the organisation. By looking back at the past 75 years of the world organisation, we will try to answer an important question: Are we seeing an evolution or [...]

[WebDebate #44] Diplomacy in times of COVID-19: The experience of developing countries


[Update] Registrations are now closed. You can follow the event on the YouTube live stream.  The COVID-19 pandemic demanded adaptations across the diplomatic profession. Most importantly, the need for social distancing has led to changes in how diplomacy is practised: meetings were cancelled, postponed, or moved online. While the COVID-19 pandemic demanded adaptation across the diplomatic [...]

[Diplomacy & technology: A historical journey] #1 An introduction


A masterclass with Jovan Kurbalija The longer you can look back, the farther you can look forward. Winston Churchill The series Diplomacy and technology: A historical journey is a set of open monthly Zoom discussions on the evolution of diplomacy and technology, led by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, an expert, with an academic background in international law, diplomacy, and [...]

2021: The emergence of digital foreign policy


All countries, albeit with differences in emphasis depending on their circumstances and capabilities, recognise that digitisation plays a role in foreign policy. In the age of digitisation, diplomacy is shifting and adapting. Some countries have launched comprehensive digital foreign policy strategies, others have instantiated dedicated positions such as cyber ambassadors or tech envoys. With existing [...]

May 2021 online courses


Online courses starting May 2021Diplo is offering three interactive postgraduate-level online courses starting the week of 10 May 2021:•    21st Century Diplomacy•    Diplomacy of Small States•    E-diplomacyFor more information on each course please click on the titles above. These online courses are available as Diplo Certificate Courses (application deadline: 5 April 2021) and University of Malta [...]

The role of the Human Rights Council in promoting a human rights-based approach to new and emerging technologies


High-level Panel Discussion The role of the Human Rights Council in promoting a human rights-based approach to new and emerging technologies Tuesday, 15th June 2021  9am EDT (13:00 UTC | 15:00 CEST | 21:00 CST) Co-organizer: Core Group on new technologies (South Korea, Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Morocco, Singapore); OHCHR Registrations are open Register [...]

Renaissance diplomacy: Compromise as a solution to conflict [A historical journey #6]


A masterclass with Jovan Kurbalija Diplomacy and technology: A historical journey #6 Renaissance diplomacy: Compromise as a solution to conflict 08:00 EDT (12:00 UTC | 14:00 CEST | 20:00 CST) Registrations are open Register Join us in our next journey through the history of diplomacy and technology. In June, we will look at Renaissance diplomacy, [...]

Why and How Should Countries Engage in Tech Diplomacy? (WebDebate #60)


Event description The practice of tech diplomacy has been on the rise since the appointment of the first tech ambassador in 2017. Tech diplomacy includes new forms of diplomatic representation and new topics on the diplomatic agenda. It also reflects a changing geopolitical environment. Tech diplomacy has brought about new venues for engagement and [...]

Women in Diplomacy – Equal representation: Are we there yet?


Event description Monday, 26 June, 8am EDT (14:00 CEST) Online The second-ever Women in Diplomacy Day is coming up on 24 June and we’re having an online event the following Monday, 26 June to use this opportunity to ask some important questions and exchange experiences and ideas. Women (and men) active in various areas [...]

78th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 78)

Event descriptionThe 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 78) will open on Tuesday, 5 September 2023. The high-level General Debate will be held from 19 September 2023 to 29 September.The theme of the General Assembly, including the general debate, will be ‘Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and [...]